Under the Banner of Lenin to the Second Five-Year Plan!
Sergei Yakovlevich Senkin
Vertaalde titel
Lenin, workers and elements of industrialization + a quote by Lenin. Text in Russian: ПОД ЗНАМЕНЕМ ЛЕНИНА ЗА ВТОРУЮ ПЯТИЛЕТКУ! Только тогда, когда страна будет электрифицирована, когда под промышленность, сельское хозяйство и транспорт будет подведена техническая база современной крупной промышленности, только тогда мы победим окончательно. Ленин Управление Главлита № Б-11925 Изогиз №2679 Р. 36 № 522 Заказ № 205 Тираж 20000 Цена 1 рубль Пришли свои замечания о плакате по адресу: Москва, Изогиз, Агитмассовый сектор. Художник Сенькин Редактор Коробченко Технический редактор Гусев 1-я Картокрафическа/text missing/ С. Сенькин Translation: UNDER THE FLAG OF LENIN FOR THE SECOND FIVE-YEAR PLAN! Only when the country is electrified, when industry, agriculture and transport are provided with the technical base of modern large-scale industry, only then will we finally win. Lenin Glavlit Administration No. B-11925 Izogiz No. 2679 R. 36 No. 522 Order No. 205 Circulation 20000 Price 1 ruble Send your comments about the poster to: Moscow, Izogiz, Agitation sector. Artist Senkin Editor Korobchenko Technical editor Gusev 1st Cartographic/text missing/ Artist: S. Sen’kin Notes: ИЗОГИЗ “IZOGIZ” Soviet specialized publishing house. Founded in 1930 in Moscow. Until 1938, and also in the period 1953-1963, it was called ISOGIZ. In 1963-1969 it was part of the publishing house "Soviet Artist" (“Советский художник)”. It was part of the USSR State Committee for Publishing. It produced fine art products, monographs, books, textbooks and manuals on fine arts, posters, postcards, postcards, works of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. “Агитмассовый сектор” (sector for mass agitation) played a big role within the publishing house. Year: 1931
Datum vervaardiging
139.4 x 99.3cm.