Exhibition — Feb 15 until Jul 13, 2025

Oltre Terra, Formafantasma’s ongoing project and traveling exhibition, explores the history, ecology, and global dynamics of wool extraction and production. It goes further than the simple definition of wool as material, to look at it within a much broader ecology. Wool is the entry point for delving into the intricate interactions and interdependencies within an ecosystem. By looking at the history of sheep domestication, wool production, and material culture, Oltre Terra unravels the complexities of the cooperative symbiosis between animals, humans, and the environment. The exhibition explores this very intimate, yet complex, bond between humans and animals, emphasizing the impact they have on one another.

The exhibition Formafantasma — Oltre Terra is curated by Amanda Pinatih.

image of exhibition, in the foreground a sheep sculpture and in the background a video screen of sheep
Installation view, 'Formafantasma — Oltre Terra. Why Wool Matters', National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, 2023. Photo: Gregorio Gonella.