Workshops — 29, Oct 31, 2024, 29, Dec 30, 2024, Jan 2, 2025

Join us and contribute to the big freestyle embroidery piece in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. 

Entrance Area
Oct 29, 11 am until 4.30 pm
Oct 31, 11 am until 4.30 pm
Dec 29, 11 am until 4.30 pm
Dec 30, 11 am until 4.30 pm
Jan 2, 2025, 11 am until 4.30 pm
This is a walk-in workshop, registration is not necessary

Are you curious about the unlimited possibilities of needle and thread? Join Desirée Hammen's workshop, discover the magical world of stitches and materials and freestyle with her! Desirée specializes in Haute Couture and Freestyle embroidery. The nice thing about the latter form of embroidery is that everything is possible and allowed: for example, surprising materials, such as found objects, are more than welcome. Together with other participants, you will work on a large embroidery piece, which will be given a place in one of the public areas of the Stedelijk Museum.  

You don't need any experience, everyone is welcome. Registration is also not necessary, just join us whenever and for as long as you want. 

colorful piece of clothing made by Desirée Hammen
Desirée Hammen, photo by Academie voor Beeldvorming, 2023


Desirée Hammen (1976) is a visual artist, embroidery specialist, florist and researcher. She studied at the fashion department of Artez in Arnhem and obtained her specialization in haute couture embroidery at the famous Ecole Lesage in Paris. 

Desirée explores the beauty of imperfection. Her work, in which she combines haute couture and freestyle techniques, has been described as poetic, chaotic, intense and playful. As part of her practice, Desirée sets up projects in which she creates collective embroideries together with a community. She is also conducting long-term research into biobased materials and their application in textiles and embroidery, supported by the Stimuleringsfonds. 

She had solo shows in Eindhoven, Vienna and New York and participated in group shows in Beijing, Shanghai, Istanbul and Paris. She has given masterclasses at Craftcouncil NL, Textielmuseum, Het Nieuwe Instituut and at Lowlands Festival. 


Sep 14 2024 t/m Jan 5 2025

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