Events — 19 Nov 2023

IDFA and the Stedelijk present Video Club, a screening program featuring works by Lydia Schouten, Joan Jonas, Dara Birnbaum, Ansuya Blom, Peter Greenaway and Tom Philips. Lydia Schouten will be present to discuss her video Split Seconds of Magnificence (1984).  

Museumticket + €3,-
Teijin Auditorium
Main language

Moving images have fundamentally changed the ways in which we share and consume stories. For this newest edition of Video Club, IDFA and the Stedelijk present five works examining the technical, narrative and activist potential of video as a storytelling medium.  

During the 1980s, feminist artists turned to time-based media to express themselves in formats not yet occupied by patriarchal quality standards. Referencing or adapting well-known legends or literary classics with a twist, became a strategy to explore new forms of representation and storytelling.

Joan Jonas 'volcano saga' (USA, 1989), Courtesy LIMA Amsterdam

Bites and refreshments will be served. In addition to the approximately hour-long screening, an interview with Dutch video art pioneer Lydia Schouten will take place. This section is moderated by Janna Houwen (Leiden University).

15.00 uur
Registration open
15.30 uur
Screening part 1
16.05 uur
Artist Talk with Lydia Schouten, curated by Janna Houwen
16.40 uur
Screening part 2
17.30 uur
End of program

In Will-O-the-Wisp (1985), Dara Birnbaum centers the psychological perspective of Marguerite, the female character from the Faust legend. Joan Jonas’ Volcano Saga (1989), is based on the popular 13th-century Laxdæla tale from Iceland while Peter Greenaway and Tom Philips A TV Dante (1985) aims to adapt The Divine Comedy for television. The program concludes with Ansuya Blom’s Lady Lazarus (1984), a haunting take on Sylvia Plath’s poem of the same title.

Lydia Schouten, 'Split Seconds of Magnificence', (Netherlands, 1984), Courtesy LIMA Amsterdam

IDFA x Stedelijk: Video Club

Boek your ticket for IDFA x Stedelijk: Video Club.


About Video Club

Video Club is a rotating screening series that highlights the Stedelijk Museum’s renowned time-based media collection. In thematically organized selections, the program presents artworks spanning diverse eras, regions, and artistic movements. After the Video Club event launch, the screening is viewable in the collection presentation Tomorrow is a Different Day in room 1.16.

IDFA x Stedelijk: Video Club – Tell me a Story is curated by Michelle Adler, Curator in Training for Contemporary Art and Time-based Media.