Part of the


Feb 9 until Aug 18, 2019

Mini story — Feb 7, 2019

Explore all six published issues of The Situationist Times onlineThe issues are accompanied by commentary by its editor and publisher, Jacqueline de Jong, who tells the history of the magazine’s creation in a series of video clips.



Click on the “discover” button and select one of the six issues. Your browser will automatically enter full screen mode. You can then navigate in three different ways: scroll sideways through the pages of each issue, follow the video recording (in the lower right corner), or read the transcription of the conversations with Jacqueline (these appear and can be hidden by clicking on the text icon to the left of the video). The three levels are interlinked, so that whenever you jump to a new place (by moving the time cursor in the video player, scrolling through the pages and clicking on one of the blue placemark icons, or clicking on a paragraph in the transcription), the other two will sync automatically. Furthermore, you can zoom in and out on the pages by using the buttons in the upper left corner and the blue placemark icons can be hidden by unticking the “show links” box in the upper right corner.  

The videos document Jacqueline de Jong in conversation with Ellef Prestsæter in Amsterdam, and were recorded by Michael Murtaugh in December 2017. The photos of the magazine spreads are by Øivind Möller Bakken. The interface was developed by the Scandinavian Institute for Computational Vandalism and produced as part of These are Situationist Times, an exhibition, digitization, and publication project developed by Torpedo (Oslo) and Ellef Prestsæter in collaboration with Jacqueline de Jong, Malmö Konsthall, and Museum Jorn. The project is generously supported by Nordic Culture Point and Arts Council Norway.

The exhibition Jacqueline de Jong – Pinball Wizard is supported by the Mondriaan Fund, which contributed to the artist’s wage through the Experimental Regulations.