Collection online
The collection of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam features 100.000 works. We are working hard to make our entire collection accessible online. At the moment more than a third of the collection is available through our online collection.
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Green Dragon Abramovic, Marina
Nightsea Crossing Abramovic, Marina
Nightsea Crossing Abramovic, Marina
Shoes for Departure Abramovic, Marina
Weybourne Ackling, Roger
Nama Stap Adams, Igshaan
Verlossing Adams, Igshaan
H x W x D : HighWayDeserter Aladogan, Eylem
The Collector Alÿs, Francis
Vivienda para todos Alÿs, Francis
Kinderkopje Ambrosi, Gustinus
Magneten reactor Amen, Woody van
Portret van Dr. Strange Love Amen, Woody van
The Iceman Comet(h) Amen, Woody van
Trimaran Amen, Woody van
Bloody Angle Andre, Carl
Cedar Stator Andre, Carl
First Six Primes Andre, Carl
On view
Twenty-Third Steel Cardinal Andre, Carl
Zonder titel Andriesse, Erik
Johannes de Doper Andriessen, Mari
Ontwerp voor Monument voor alle gevallenen 1940-45 Andriessen, Mari
Staand figuurtje Andriessen, Mari
L'aura della pittura Anselmo, Giovanni
Cat on the Roof Appel, Karel
Cat Standing on a Head Appel, Karel
Coming Down from the Mountains Appel, Karel
Compositie Appel, Karel
Constructie I Appel, Karel
Constructie II Appel, Karel
De brug Appel, Karel
De spin Appel, Karel
De voet Appel, Karel
De wilde brandweerman Appel, Karel
Donkey Appel, Karel
Drift op zolder Appel, Karel
Figuur Appel, Karel
Flying Bird Appel, Karel
Hanging Heads Appel, Karel