Suprematistische compositie (met acht rode rechthoeken)
Kazimir Malevich
‘Suprematist Composition, Eight Red Rectangles’ appears to have triumphed over gravity. The geometric shapes, each one a separate world, seem to float in a boundless space. This is one of the early Suprematist paintings Malevich made. The painting first went on public display in the legendary ‘The Last Futurist Exhibition of Paintings “0.10” (zero-ten)’. This was the first exhibition in which Malevich presented a group of nonobjective paintings which demonstrated his ideas about a new art that he referred to as Suprematism. Malevich sought a form of art that was free from previous conceptions of color, shape and perspective. He believed that the purely pictorial aspect of painting was superior to all other elements in painting, and needed to be liberated from recognizable representations of reality. Suprematism was influenced by Russian Cubo-Futurism. Principal elements were movement, simultaneity and cosmic insights.

Translated title
Suprematist Composition (with eight red rectangles)
Production date
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60.2 x 51.6 x 4.4cm.
oil on canvas
Object number
A 7672
Eigendom erkend door erven Malevich bij overeenkomst uit 2008 / Ownership recognized by agreement with the estate of Kazimir Malevich in 2008