The title Rosy-Fingered Dawn at Louse Point refers to one of Willem de Kooning’s favourite places in Long Island, New York. During his period in Long Island De Kooning rode his bike daily to Louse Point where he observed the water. While this painting recalls pastoral nature it was, in fact, painted in the artist’s New York studio shortly before he moved to Long Island. The painting is characterized by large expanses of colour, pastel hues and complex surfaces. Colour accumulates to a thick impasto. In this abstract portrayal of a landscape De Kooning was driven by intuition and memory. The artist’s use of pink is reminiscent of flesh and brings to mind his statement: “The landscape is in the Woman and there is Woman in the landscape.” This was De Kooning’s first painting to be acquired by a European museum.
© The Willem de Kooning Foundation, c/o Pictoright Amsterdam/Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam




Production date



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207 x 181.5cm.


oil on canvas

Object number

A 22662