The artist may construct the work
Lawrence Weiner
Datum vervaardiging
20.9 x 29.7cm.
bruikleen Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, verworven via kwijtschelding van successierechten van de erven Luca Dosi Delfini door de Staat der Nederlanden. on loan from the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, acquired through remission of inheritance tax of the heirs of Luca Dosi Delfini by the Dutch State
Meer werk van deze maker
Passage to the North, a Structure by Lawrence Weiner Weiner, Lawrence
Nu te zien
Perhaps when removed Weiner, Lawrence
Pertaining to a structure. A structure of Lawrence Weiner most probably concerned with the placement of the residue of one structure (part of) within the context of another. Weiner, Lawrence
Pertaining to a structure. A structure of Lawrence Weiner most probably concerned with the placement of the residue of one structure (part of) within the context of another. Weiner, Lawrence
Pertaining to a structure. A structure of Lawrence Weiner most probably concerned with the placement of the residue of one structure (part of) within the context of another. Weiner, Lawrence
Piss & Ginger & Apples & Pears Weiner, Lawrence
Play Tic Tac Toe & Hope for the Best Weiner, Lawrence
Plowmans lunch. Comix Weiner, Lawrence
Posters. November 1965 - April 1986 Weiner, Lawrence
Posters. November 1965 - April 1986 Weiner, Lawrence
Printing Layout: Towards a Reasonable End Weiner, Lawrence
Question: When in doubt Answer: Play tic tac toe & hope for the best Weiner, Lawrence
Quizás cuando removido Weiner, Lawrence
Regarding Inscriptions (of a Sort) Weiner, Lawrence
Regarding Inscriptions (of a Sort) Weiner, Lawrence
Regarding inscriptions (of a sort) Weiner, Lawrence
Relative to Hanging Weiner, Lawrence
Relative to Hanging Weiner, Lawrence
Right of center Weiner, Lawrence