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Lawrence Weiner
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20.8 x 10cm.
Meer werk van deze maker
A Accumulation of Sufficient Abrasion... Weiner, Lawrence
A Natural Water Course Diverted Reduced or Displaced Weiner, Lawrence
A Natural Water Course Diverted Reduced or Displaced Weiner, Lawrence
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A Primer Weiner, Lawrence
A Primer. Ein Elementarbuch Weiner, Lawrence
A Second Quarter Weiner, Lawrence
A tale of a maiden or two Weiner, Lawrence
A tale of a maiden or two Weiner, Lawrence
A Work in a Context Weiner, Lawrence
Above Below the Level of Water With a Probability of Flooding Weiner, Lawrence
Afloat at the Mercy of the Waves Weiner, Lawrence
After All Weiner, Lawrence
Albert Mertz / Lawrence Weiner - As Well as Green / As Well as Yellow / As Well as Blue Weiner, Lawrence
Altered to Suit Weiner, Lawrence
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Altered to Suit (storyboard) Weiner, Lawrence
An Exhibition Weiner, Lawrence
An Object Made to Resemble Another... Weiner, Lawrence
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And/Or: Green as well as Blue as well as Red Weiner, Lawrence
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And/Or: Green as well as Blue as well as Red Weiner, Lawrence