Collection online
The collection of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam features 100.000 works. We are working hard to make our entire collection accessible online. At the moment more than a third of the collection is available through our online collection.
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Zelfportret 1985 nr. 49 Akkerman, Philip
Zelfportret 1998 nr. 28 Akkerman, Philip
How Far How Near Akpene Amenuke, Dorothy
A Double Burger and Two Metamorphoses: a proposal for a Dutch Cat, a Dutch Dog, a Dutch Donkey, a Dutch Goat, and finally a Dutch Camel Al Solh, Mounira
On view
The Mother of David and Goliath Al Solh, Mounira
The Mother of David and Goliath Al Solh, Mounira
H x W x D : HighWayDeserter Aladogan, Eylem
Chinati Foundation, Texas, October 10, 1987 Albers, Josef
Edition Domberger R1-67 Albers, Josef
Embossed Linear Constructions Albers, Josef
Formulation: articulation Albers, Josef
Formulation: articulation Albers, Josef
Gray instrumentation III Albers, Josef
Mitered Square c Albers, Josef
Olympische Spiele München 1972 Albers, Josef
Structurele constellatie Albers, Josef
WEG XI Albers, Josef
Zodiac (model D-2080) Alberts, Ton
General Idea: The Armoury of the 1984 Miss General Idea Pavillion Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Metz & Co hofleverancier Alcopley
Metz & Co, Josephine collectie Alcopley
Zeichen für Zeichen Alcopley
(Zonder titel) Alechinsky, Pierre
(Zonder titel) Alechinsky, Pierre
(Zonder titel) Alechinsky, Pierre
(Zonder titel) Alechinsky, Pierre
9 Métiers Alechinsky, Pierre
A Maiakovski Alechinsky, Pierre
Alechinsky Alechinsky, Pierre
Alechinsky Alechinsky, Pierre
Alechinsky Alechinsky, Pierre
ALECHINSKY Galerie Espace Amsterdam 1 febr. - 3 mrt 1974 Alechinsky, Pierre
ALECHINSKY. Galerie D. Benador Alechinsky, Pierre
ALECHINSKY. Galerie D. Benador. 10, Corraterie, Genève Alechinsky, Pierre
ALECHINSKY. Galerie de France du 25.1 au 18/3 1973 Alechinsky, Pierre
Compositie Alechinsky, Pierre
Compositie Alechinsky, Pierre
Exprmntl 4 Alechinsky, Pierre
Festival du film experimental Alechinsky, Pierre