Wall Drawing #1084, painted directly onto the wall, consists of four squares outlined in black. The panels span the height of the wall. Each section is composed of parallel lines running either vertically, horizontally or diagonally in both directions in each section. The image is derived from the grid, using the basic organization of lines. Sol LeWitt sees his wall drawings as the most straightforward method to achieve two-dimensionality. He uses the wall as a surface. LeWitt looked for irreducible elements and then found those elements in infinite permutations. This was his initial intention when he first set out on his wall drawings. As a conceptual artist, LeWitt is interested in the entire series of events in the execution of a drawing, from the formation of an idea to its completion. Essentially, to LeWitt, the idea or concept is the most important aspect in art.
c/o Pictoright Amsterdam/Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam




Production date

2003 concept en eerste uitvoering /2012 tweede uitvoering


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426 x 1554.5cm.



Object number



schenking Sol LeWitt en Carl Andre / gift of Sol LeWitt and Carl Andre

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