
Join Young Stedelijk! Meet a mix of about three hundred young professionals (ages 20 to 40) and learn more about modern and contemporary art and design, directly linked to the Stedelijk and beyond.

As a Young Stedelijk member, you get behind-the-scenes of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, and other important places related to modern and contemporary art and/or design. With a group of like-minded professionals (from the creative sector and other fields), you visit various events and locations, including exhibition openings and tours, (artist) talks, art fairs, galleries, auction houses, ateliers, and studios. In addition, of course, you contribute to the future of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.


  • Eight or more exclusive Young Stedelijk events a year for you and one guest
  • A visit to a national art fair with the YS program
  • Tickets for one national, and one international, art fair (to visit whenever you like)
  • International Art Pass for free admission to international museums, including all Guggenheim museums, Tate Britain and Tate Modern and Fondation Beyeler 
  • Free admission to the Stedelijk with you and one guest
  • Exclusive invitations to exhibition openings
  • Discounts on other cultural events via the Young Stedelijk Instagram @youngstedelijkamsterdam
  • 10% discount on all articles in the museum shop when you show your YS Pass*
    *The discount does not count for books from Dutch publishers as set by the Dutch law on fixed book prices.

Become a member


Join us as a YS member starting at € 300 a year. You are also welcome to top up your contribution. The range of benefits remains the same. 

ARTIST or student

Are you an artist or student and want to join Young Stedelijk? Send an email to p.bergshoeff@stedelijk.nl for information about the special rate.


Join Young Stedelijk for five years and your membership is partly tax-deductible. Your periodical contribution is 125% deductible from your taxable income. You do still pay your annual contribution.


The goal of Young Stedelijk is to make the world of modern and contemporary art and design more widely accessible to young people. Through members, ambassadors, and collaborations with other venues, Young Stedelijk aspires to be a sounding board for the young society in Amsterdam.

As a member, you contribute your dues to special projects at the Stedelijk. Every year, we announce a work of art that can be purchased thanks to Young Stedelijk. Thanks in part to the annual contributions of Young Stedelijk members, in 2021 the Stedelijk was able to purchase the work To Teach or to Assume Authority (2018-2019) by Sarah Zapata, an important addition to the museum's collection.

Photo of Sarah Zapatas, 'To Teach or To Assume Authority'
Sarah Zapata, 'To Teach or To Assume Authority', 2018-2019

AMBASSADORS 2023 – 2024

Young Stedelijk ambassadors contribute to the strategy, events and collaborations of Young Stedelijk so that we can offer you a challenging program. Each ambassador contributes their own background, expertise and creativity to enhance the versatile and experimental character of Young Stedelijk.

Foto’s: Laila Cohen


  • 14-02 | Opening: Formafantasma Oltre Terra
  • 16-02 | Artist Talk: Formafantasma Oltre Terra
  • 27-02 | Introduction Young Stedelijk ambassadors 2024-2025
  • 06-03 | Opening: Anselm Kiefer - Sag mir wo die Blumen sind
                | Goodbye Young Stedelijk ambassadors 2023-2024

Interested in knowing more?
Please contact

  • Photo of Pien Bergshoeff
    Pien Bergshoeff
    Relations Manager Memberships
  • logo Young Stedelijk